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My Leadership Philosophy 

         Leadership is clearly communicating a purpose among a group of individuals as well as effectively executing your mission. Leadership is the inclusion of all members of a group and using everyone’s strong suits to get to one ultimate goal. To me being a leader is being the most optimistic individual within the group, willing to carry your team forward in terms of emotional support and providing necessary positive feedback that is crucial to hear. I seek to help others grow by putting them first and at the same time grow as an individual leader in the process. My understanding of leadership has changed over the course of my high school career and my time at the University of Washington. At first, I believed that being a leader was taking charge and assigning others what to do and only because this was what I was told as a young child. I finally only learned what it meant to be a leader when I earned my first leadership positions. Facing challenges in these positions led me to understand that being a leader meant encompassing everyone’s individual strengths to form the ultimate team that can handle any situation.  

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